Step Challenge Success for Worst Pace Scenario

As part of our Healthy Working Lives activity, the team here at Thomson Cooper recently took part in a four-week long Step Challenge.

The results were quite incredible, with a grand total of over 12.5 million steps recorded over 28 days.

That could get you all the way to Tokyo and leave plenty steps left over for some serious sight-seeing!

Here are the results:

🥇 1st Place: Worst Pace Scenario – A stellar performance with 2,100,322 steps!

🥈 2nd Place: Lost in Pace – Amazing effort with 1,719,139 steps!

🥉 3rd Place: Scrambled Legs – Impressive teamwork with 1,651,909 steps!

And kudos to all other teams who stepped up to the challenge:

  1. All about that Pace – 1,600,632
  2. Legs Miserables – 1,521,345
  3. Cirque du Sore Legs – 1,395,461
  4. Walk and Roll – 1,270,959
  5. Let’s Get Fiscal – 1,268,166

A big shout-out to Lorna Dick who averaged 20,913 step per day!

Congratulations to all participating teams for their incredible dedication and commitment to wellness.

Lauren getting her steps in at the lovely Maspie Den in Falkland.

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